FREE Guide Reveals The Highly Effective Steps To Shift Your Dysfunctional Workplace Dynamics And Restore Self-Belief

In Under 10 Minutes Implement The Powerful Non-Confrontational Conversation Template And Notice How Quickly You Become Valued And Appreciated


Discover The Different Psychological Interplays Between Hierarcial Positions At Work And How They Can Create Resentment And Overwhelm.

Learn One Incredible Non-Confrontational Conversation Template So That You Can Elicit The Response You Want At Work.


Easy To Implement This Guide In Under 10 Minutes And Notice How Quickly Things Change For You.


Build Upon Your Increased Confidence By Adding Weight To Your Decision Making Processes. Align Your Work With Your Highest Values so That You Can Get Paid What You Are Worth.

BONUS - You'll Be Given Exclusive Access to My Free Facebook Group Where Each Day I Provide Guided Coaching Support And Weekly Training On How To Achieve More With Less Push And Effort And Without Burning Out.

See What Results Recent Clients Experienced After Following My Coaching Strategies

Dr Hannah Roberts

Scientist. Mum of 3. Transformational Coach.

Hello, my name is Hannah.  

When I was young, I equated achievement with love. I had very high expectations for myself and this precipitated high expectations from others. Despite getting a 1st Class MChem and PhD, I still felt inadequate compared to others. Putting my achievements down to sheer grit and determination.  

For most of my adult life, I operated as Superwoman. Running at 200 mph, relentlessly pushing to prove myself. Over time, I felt overwhelmed. I suffered diminished performance and eroded confidence. I was unfulfilled. Knowing that my own repeating patterns of behaviour were at the very core of it I decided to deal with it once and for all.  

In the past, I'd had counselling and CBT for anxiety. It got me 60% to where I wanted to be. Being coached gave me the elusive 40% back, whilst simultaneously opening up a whole new set of skills and resources that I didn't even know existed within me.  

I found the tools so uncomplicated, yet profound that I went through a rigorous 12 month qualification to coach and teach these exact tools. I am now a fully regulated coach with over 60 gold standard coaching and NLP-based tools to support your journey.  

I absolutely love coaching, I find it such a privilege to be part of others personal development journeys. I now get to see and feel the impact of my work Every. Single. Day.